Sunday, August 22, 2010

A second post, because my first one looked lonely

I didn't like having just one post on my blog, so I wanted to post another, just to get things going. I can't believe summer's almost over already. It's been amazing being outside. We recently celebrated my daughter's first birthday, and the weather was so beautiful.

I know winter will be fun because my daughter will be able to enjoy the snow, but there's something absolutely amazing about being out in the sun. My goal is to stay healthy over the winter and lose enough weight to feel confident in a two piece bathing suit next summer. Let's just say I wasn't loving bathing suits this year. I'm hoping for the best next year!


  1. Summer is amazing! I love the warm weather & all of the outdoor birthday parties. :)

  2. I'm sad to see summer go too but so excited for the fall, my favorite season. Last year my daughter was way to young to enjoy fall and winter so I am looking forward to all the fun things we are going to get to do this year!
